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classifieds BizEd Classifieds may be used to advertise administration, faculty and staff openings. BizEd reserves the right to reject or discontinue the publication of any advertisement. Only publication of the advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser's order. Advertising rates for the Classifieds are as follows:* Size/Word Count Full page (7" x 9.625") (approx. 850 words) 1/2 page H (7" x 4.75") / V (3.375" x 9.625") (approx. 450 words) 1/4 page (3.375" x 4.625") AACSB $1,850 $1,200 $700 Nonmember Free Online** $2,180 $1,420 $850 (approx. 225 words) *Ads should be submitted digitally when possible. Non-digital ads are subject to a minimal set-up charge. All graphics and logos to appear in print ads should be submitted in 300 dpi format or better. **When placing a classified ad Billing Instructions (check one): □ Advertiser □ Ad Agency Print Name: ____________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________________ Return to: BizEd c/o AACSB International— The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business 777 South Harbour Island Boulevard, Suite 750 • Tampa, FL 33602 Tel: +1 813 769 6500 • Fax: +1 813 769 6559 120 days 90 days 60 days COLLEGE OF BUSINESS The College is currently searching for candidates for the following full-time, tenure track positions: • up to Full Professor, Accounting: Tax/Non-Profit: (Search #18.12) open until filled • Assistant Professor, Decision Sciences: Data Mining (Search #22.12) close Dec 31, 2012 • Assistant Professor, Economics: TS Econometrics/Macro- economics (Search #17.12) close Nov 16, 2012 • Assistant Professor, Information Systems (Search #30.12) close Jan 31, 2013 • Assistant Professor, International Business: Entrepreneur- ship in Global Context (Search #27.12) close Jan 30, 2013 • up to Associate Professor, Marketing: Interactive Market- ing/Digital Media: (Search #19.12) close Feb 28, 2013 APPLICATION CLOSING DATE: see above. In the event a suc- cessful candidate is not identified from applications received before the closing date, applications received after the closing date will be reviewed until the position is filled. CHAIR APPOINTMENT DATE: Fall Semester 2013 Department of Accounting E.J. Ourso College of Business Applications are invited for the position of Chair of the Department of Accounting in the E.J. Ourso College of Business at Louisiana State University. The selected candidate will hold an appointment to the Thomas H. Daigre Endowed Chair of Business. Requirements: Doctoral degree in accounting or related field; established research and teaching record; administrative experience; active association with professional organizations; ability and will- ingness to interact with the accounting profession and the overall business community; possess a record of scholarship commensurate with appointment as a tenured full professor of accounting. Responsibilities: Oversees academic leadership of the depart- ment in research, teaching, service; works with business school programs; maintains and enhances the connection between the department and the accounting profession; provides the vision and innovation for the development of the accounting program; reports directly to the dean of the college. The E.J. Ourso College of Business is AACSB accredited and has seven academic units, several centers for research, and execu- tive education, with an enrollment of over 2,000 students. The Accounting department has approximately 400 majors in the under- graduate program and offers a Master's and Ph.D. in Accounting. The Accounting department has a Distinguished Endowed Chair and several Distinguished Endowed Professorships. The position is anticipated to begin July 1, 2013. Apply online at: Position #000294. LSU IS AN EEO/EQUAL ACCESS EMPLOYER 60 November/December 2012 BizEd QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in business with a specialization in the areas listed above or a closely-related discipline from an AACSB accredited school or equivalent (degree awarded prior to August 2013). For Accounting, a Ph.D. or D.B.A. in accounting is preferred but candidates with a J.D. and an LL.M. in taxation will also be considered. A clearly demonstrated record of effective teaching and significant research promise in area of emphasis or closely- related area. Demonstrated success in teaching graduate and undergraduate courses and research is a plus. A letter of application, curriculum vitae, three recent letters of recommendation, verification that the applicant has been or shortly will be awarded the appropriate terminal degree and any additional materials that support the application (teaching evaluations, samples of publications, etc.) should be sent to the address below. Please include the search number on all correspondence. College of Business - Search # (from above) San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 College of Business at San Francisco State University:

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