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BUSINESS The Intersection of Tech-savvy businesses use data to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer service experience. Which means business schools need to produce graduates with a broad understanding of how technology can permeate every aspect of the organization. BY SHARON SHINN ordeaux, France, is going digital. In recent years, it has introduced the "digital city" initiative, which papers the town with QR codes that peo- ple can scan with their smartphones to learn about everything from flora in the parks to schedules for public transportation. It has also launched a sort of city credit card, which residents can use to pay for public services that range from museums to pools to school lunches. And which farsighted city offi- cial was the driving force behind both initiatives? Pascale Avarguès, the city's chief information officer. TECHNOLOGY B "People used to dismiss CIOs as nerds who make sure everyone in the com- pany gets their e-mails and can access the Internet," says Nils Olaya Fonstad, associate director of INSEAD eLab, based in Fontainebleau, France. But today's CIOs play a far more central role than merely running the tech, he says. They understand the company's overarching goals. They know how to use technology, and the data produced by technology, to improve the organization's operations. In short, they know how to turn technology into a competitive advantage. 18 November/December 2012 BizEd

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