Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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Page 158 of 243 • Jo Mora "Fable" mural collection ©2017 Trotter Galleries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Carmel Paseo San Carlos Court on San Carlos near 7th (831) 625-3246 Pacific Grove 301 Forest Avenue across from City Hall (831) 649-3246 Member: ISA; FADA Jo Mora (1876-1947) Let's Dance "Fable" Mural 4' x 12' Come see all seven of these amazingly whimsical "Fable" murals, created in 1936 by early Carmel artist, Jo Mora, in person at our Pacific Grove gallery! Open Thursday-Saturday, 12-5 and by appointment. • ARCHIVAL CANVAS PRINTS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE IN CUSTOM SIZES • Jo Mora (1876-1947) Fandango "Fable" Mural 4' x 12' 38 years specializing in early California artists such as Armin Hansen, William Ritschel, E. Charlton Fortune, Evelyn McCormick, Jo Mora, Percy Gray, S.C. Yuan, Granville Redmond, M. DeNeale Morgan, and many others. Jo Mora is remembered today as a true Renaissance man – sculptor, painter, muralist, etcher, illustrator, cartoonist, map-maker, saddle-maker, photographer, author, and actor, designer of everything from coins and book-plates to houses – leaving us a remarkable legacy.

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