Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger
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was replete with illustrations, examples, and commands that emphasized the importance of winning governmental leaders for Christ. Among them: First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who . . . are in authority . . .God our Savior . . . desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, 1Timothy 2:1, 2,4. And: . . . the Lord said . . . "Go . . . bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel," Acts 9:15. Enlightened and excited, Ralph and Danielle realized that the work of Capitol Ministries could not only rebuild a nation, but was also vital in helping to fulfill the Great Commission. is set apart group of kings and those in authority had been targeted by God who had chosen the Apostle Paul to take His Word to them. And even though Paul was well aware of the wide-spread political corruption as well as how the Romans had abused his Jewish contemporaries and ancestors in Palestine, his solitary focus was to see those in authority delivered from the deadly bondage of sin and made alive through new life in Christ (Ephesians 2:1-5). From the beginning, Capitol Ministries has embraced this biblical approach. is methodolog y is what sets us apart from other religious organizations that involve themselves in politics attempting to change the tide of our country. Beginning in the 1970s and continuing today, numerous Christian groups, the Religious Right Movement in particular, have coordinated efforts to involve believers and churches in pressuring Lawmakers for better laws, but despite those massive and costly lobbying attempts, our nation continues to spiral downward. ose groups fail to consider how a Legislator who does not know God's Word could be expected to write laws in keeping with His precepts. Capitol Ministries stays out of politics all together. Taking our example from the Apostle Paul, Capitol Ministries seeks to fulfill the Great Commission not by lobbing Legislators, but by reaching their hearts and minds with the Gospel. We believe that anchoring a political leader's soul in Christ is the only real hope for our nation's future, or for the future of any nation. Today, we continue the work we began 20 years ago, to reach political leaders and all in authority for Christ. For, by impacting this influential group – kings and all in authority – a small band of men in very short order, turned the world upside down. History | CM 20th 13 Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel." A c t s 9 :15 "T he Members Bible Study that I go to with Ralph and Danielle is the most in-depth Bible study on the Hill. It's a really in-depth look at the Word. Ralph's studies offer an exege cal analysis of Scripture, and he is very knowledgeable in Greek transla ons which lead to a fuller comprehension of the passages. One Bible study that has impacted me is Are you a Tritu onalist or a Pentetu onalist? that examines the five Ins tu ons created by God: Marriage, Family, Church, Government, and Commerce. God has a layout, a plan for each of those areas." Sco Garre U.S. Representa ve New Jersey 5th Congressional District