Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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HE TWO MEN WHO PARTNER TO MINISTER TO RHODE ISLAND LEGISLATORS are not pleased but neither are they surprised that Time Magazine called their capital one of the "Most Godless Cities in America." But despite the story, or perhaps because of it, Senator Harold Metts, Providence, District 6, and businessman Merrill omas who comprise the ministry team, are dedicated to taking the Word of God to their State Legislators and Constitutional Officers. "Providence, our capital city, was named aer God's providence, yet it was one of the lowest Bible reading cities in nation!" Sen. Metts said. "Unfortunately, this is the culture in New England. I've heard other studies say the lack of belief is great in this part of the country." Sen. Metts sponsors the weekly exegetical Bible study that Ministry Leader Merrill leads which examines one book of the Bible at a time, verse by verse. e two began the ministry in 2014 and currently up to seven Lawmakers from a number of different denominations regularly attend. Sen. Metts said there are a number of Christian Legislators in Rhode Island who need to be encouraged to stand up for what they believe in. "My goal is to stand up for my faith," Sen. Metts said. "We need something in our Capitol, and hopefully, prayerfully, God will bless our Bible study and the only problem we will have is that I will run out of space in my office. But even if there is only a handful of us, there were 12 disciples and they changed the whole world." T 28 CM 20th | State Ministries Rhode Island Merrill Thomas Ministry Leader Rhode Island State Capitol capital: Providence population: 1,057,689 governor: Gina M. Raimondo legislature: 113 Providence, Rhode Island, cityscape at night.

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