Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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From the Chair 8 CM 20th | From the Chair NORMALLY ONLY DONATE to three parties: two are churches and one is Capitol Ministries. While I believe strongly in the mission of Capitol Ministries which Ralph founded, it is Ralph himself who first elicited my support. I've known Ralph since the 1970s when some friends and I wanted to start a sports agency representing athletes in contract negotiations. My friends wanted me to be the point man, so I began meeting with basketball players. I cold called Ralph who was in his senior year at UCLA (University of California, at Los Angeles). Ralph was an outstanding ball player for the legendary Coach John Wooden. Ralph had won the Seymour Armond Award as UCLA's most outstanding freshman, was an Academic All-American in his junior and senior years, and was the first player in NCAA history to go to four Final Four Tournaments. Even though Ralph was taken in the National Basketball Association dra three times, rather than play pro sports, he chose to join Athletes in Action (AIA), a Christian evangelistic basketball team that plays games around the world and preaches the Gospel at halimes. While I did not negotiate a contract for him at that time, that cold call began what would become a 40-year friendship. When Ralph fulfilled his commitment with AIA, he came to me and said, 'I'm ready to sign a pro contract and I want you to represent me.' But my friends and I had long before abandoned the idea of a sports agency aer deciding it was not compatible with our goals. erefore, I told Ralph I was no longer in that business. He said, 'I don't care, you can do it.' And I said, 'Yes, I can do it.' And in 1980, I negotiated his contract with the Dallas Mavericks. Ralph was the first player chosen to play with that new NBA franchise. For me, the big draw from the beginning in supporting Capitol Ministries was Ralph. I believe in him. A man of great integrity, he is very hard working and creative. His Bible studies are outstanding, thought provoking, and well developed. His ministry is an excellent one. Of course, along the way I learned more about Capitol Ministries and I greatly support its methodology, mission, and biblical mandate. As Christians, we all need to grow in Christ, and this is particularly difficult for Public Servants who have so many demands on their time. Yet, there remains a tremendous need for their spiritual growth, as well as a need to reach others who do not know the Gospel. e impact of taking the Gospel to political leaders cannot be minimized. is work of fulfilling the Great Commission is vital not only to the individuals' souls, but to the future of nations. It has been my great pleasure to serve on the board, and as Chairman. I look forward to continued growth of this vital ministry. Now we are endeavoring to take the Gospel to political leaders in city and county governments in the United States, as well as expanding across the globe by planting more discipleship ministries that will benefit national leaders in foreign nations. I Ron Kolar " T his is a strategic moment in our na on's history. What we desperately need is a substan ve ministry on the Hill and Ralph and Danielle have spearheaded just that! Prior to their arrival, there was li le in the way of ministry that was intent on exposi ng God's Word and making disciples amongst the Members of both Houses. Now there is!" Michele Bachmann Former U.S. Representa ve Minnesota 6th Congressional District Capitol Ministries Board Member

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