Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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Beginnings | CM 20th 7 Roland Hinz Salem Communica ons Board Member Hi-Torque Publica ons Owner Radio Nueva Vida Founder Capitol Ministries Board Member Beginnings ANY YEARS AGO NOW, several of my fellow board members of Salem Communications, along with our wives, had the privilege of introducing Ralph and Danielle to one another. It was on their second date, at a Salem Communications function in Camarillo, California, that God birthed on their hearts the vision for Capitol Ministries. Ralph had been involved in the sports ministry movement and Danielle worked for us as the Director of our Political Action Committee. Both their hearts and their vocational experiences came together that night; they married about a year later and Capitol Ministries was born! At the time we had no idea that Capitol Ministries would grow into such a strategic ministry — one that cannot only impact the direction of America, but other countries around the world! We praise God for all that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is doing through their lives and this ministry. — Roland Hinz M

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