Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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ITH THE HELP OF MANY, INCLUDING A U.S. REPRESENTATIVE who is a long-time friend and supporter, a discipleship ministry to Ohio Representatives, Senators, and Constitutional Officers has recently been launched in the Columbus State House. U.S. Representative Bill Johnson, Ohio, 6th Congressional District, who attends the Members Bible Study in Washington, D.C., was instrumental in making introductions and paving the way for the ministry to begin in September, 2016. Representative Johnson introduced Ralph to Ohio State Speaker Cliff Rosenberger, and brought a contingent of state Representatives who were not familiar with Capitol Ministries to Washington, D.C. to meet Ralph. Also supporting the effort was Ohio State Rep. Tim Derickson, District 53, who recommended as Ministry Leader a familiar face around the Capitol: Brian Hanson, a pastor who had once taught a Bible study to Legislators in the State House. In addition to his own exegetical studies that will examine one book of the Bible verse by verse over the course of a year or more, Hanson distributes the weekly Members Bible Studies that Drollinger prepares for U.S. Senators and Congressmen. "My prayer is to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ," Brian said. "A mix of people will be there and we want to expose every one of them to God's Son. e whole value of having a relationship with Him is that the Bible influences every aspect of our lives." Representative Johnson believes dis- cipleship Bible studies are vital to Legis- lators. "If you know what God says, you make the right decision and you stand on it," he said. "We need leaders in our state government as well as our federal government to understand that God is still on his throne. And that just like the Scriptures say, God holds the hearts and the minds of the kings in his hand and just like channels of water, he can turn them this way and that. So for us to do our jobs as Lawmakers, we need spiritual guidance. I am very proud to be a part of establishing Capitol Ministries in the Ohio State House." W State Ministries | CM 20th 25 Ohio Ohio State Capitol capital: Columbus population: 11,629,848 governor: John R. Kasich legislature: 132 Brian Hanson Ministry Leader Great American Ball Park stadium in Cincinna , Ohio, home to the Cincinna Reds.

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