Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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ARL WIMMER , A FORMER UTAH STATE REPRESENTATIVE and Mormon Church leader who four years ago converted to Christianity, is the man who is taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Legislators in the Utah State Capitol. For more than a year Carl Wimmer has handed out weekly exegetical Bible studies to each of the 104 Legislators beginning with Why You Can Trust the Bible, a subtle nod, perhaps, to the fact that he had discovered that he could not trust the Book of Mormon. Carl's conversion to Christianity happened in 2013 when, as a lifelong member of the LDS Church and one of its local leaders, he was brought information that refuted parts of the Book of Mormon. "I was a die-hard Mormon," he said. "I was very involved and active in the church. I believed it with everything I had. ese things upset me so much, so as someone who loved the Mormon Church, I set out to prove what I was hearing was incorrect." But the opposite happened. He discovered historical, linguistic, and archaeological evidence that cast doubt over much of the church's teachings. "Everything that I had been raised to believe, my entire life structure was ripped from me. My world view was destroyed. At 38 years old, I had no idea even if there was a God." "is is where I was when Jesus Christ found me through his miraculous grace. He just made it very clear in one night, Feb. 22, 2013. He exploded my heart for Him and I've never been the same. I went from being an angry, empty person to a man who is free in Christ." Carl presented the evidence to his wife, Sherry, who conducted her own research and also made a commitment to Jesus Christ. e couple and their five children now attend a Bible-based church and Pastor Wimmer occasionally preaches at neighboring churches. He is C 20 CM 20th | State Ministries Utah Carl Wimmer Ministry Leader Utah State Capitol capital: Salt Lake City population: 3,047,340 governor: Gary R. Herbert legislature: 104 Monument Valley — colorful sunrise desert landscape of Navajo Na on Park.

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