Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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ALE WALKER DIDN'T KNOW ANYONE WHEN HE BEGAN MINISTERING to the members of the New York Legislature in 2013, and had difficulty establishing a formal Bible study, so he began knocking on doors. His first call was a Legislator whom God had put on his heart and aer a friendly 45-minute conversation, Dale asked if the Legislator knew what it meant to be born again. e Legislator said he wasn't sure, so Dale explained the Gospel. "e next thing I knew I was asking him if he wanted to ask Christ to come into his heart and he said he did. He reached over and closed the door and accepted Christ." Dale continued to visit other Legislators in their offices and when session was over, he drove all across the state of New York and visited with them in their districts. During the first 18 months of his ministry, Dale led 13 Legislators and one L eg islative Director to Christ and is in the process of disciplining them. Today Dale has a formal Bible study that is regularly at- tended by more than a dozen Legislators. e Lawmakers are so enthusiastic about the study that they asked to hold the Bi- ble study in a telephone conference call during the summer months when the Legislature is not in session. "One thing I have learned is that God makes divine appointments and He can cause me to meet anyone He wants me to meet," Dale said. "I think that is because God wants people to know Him and I am a Gospel on wheels." Capitol Ministries partners with New Yorker's Family Re- search Foundation to support Dale's work in the Capitol. D 26 CM 20th | State Ministries New York Dale Walker Ministry Leader New York State Capitol capital: Albany population: 19,842,724 governor: Andrew M. Cuomo legislature: 213 New York City — beau ful sunset over Manha an with Manha an and Brooklyn Bridges.

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