Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger
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ese important outposts have large- ly been overlooked by neighborhood churches as viable mission fields despite the fact that civic leaders make decisions that affect the very bedrock of American society, and even though most state and national leaders begin their political ca- reers in local office. For too many years the Church has targeted the Institution of Civil Govern- ment and has spent time and resources on lobbying efforts in hopes of changing un- biblical laws that regulate society's moral and social issues. Capitol Ministries believes in a dif- ferent approach. We focus on the most in- fluential component in the legislative pro- cess: the people who make the decisions and create the statutes. It is these people whom Capitol Ministries wishes to influence for Christ through CivicReach®, an organized en- deavor to establish ministries in home- town U.S.A. Our new mission field is local Gov- ernment. rough partnerships with local churches, Ministry Leaders will be identified. We will train these leaders to build discipleship Bible studies to reach 40 CM 20th | Local Ministry F ROM COAST TO COAST ACROSS OUR NATION 33,000 INCORPORATED city and county governments dot the neighborhoods of America. ey are the places where crucial decisions are made about our communities and they are the workplaces of local leaders. T R A I N I N G C O N N E C T I N G G R O U N D I N G CivicReach A Part of Capitol Ministries " C apitol Ministries is an outstanding ministry and, for me, a breath of fresh air. The Members Bible Study keeps me grounded. I find it is a respite from the stress and strain and the demands and pressures of serving in the House of Representa ves. If Legislators in every state could benefit from a Capitol Ministries Bible study, there would be a reforma on; you would see America returning to biblical principles. It is very, very important that Capitol Ministries Bible studies are installed throughout the country and in federal Capitols across the globe. They are of tremendous benefit to a na on — and to the world." Bill Johnson U.S. Representa ve Ohio 6th Congressional District Local Ministry New Mission Field: Local Government Faith comes om hearing and hearing