Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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everyone from municipal judges and mayors to city and county commissioners to dog catchers. Training will be provided through a video seminar series that is currently un- der development. On-going support will be offered through weekly live webinars hosted by the Director of CivicReach® that will offer additional instruction, question and answer sessions, and dia- logue between Ministry Leaders that will foster community building. Other resources will include annual training conferences and the use of com- prehensive Bible studies that are taught to Congressmen in the Members Bible Study in Washington, D.C. e foundational instruction will be the book, Oaks In Office: Biblical Essays For Political Leaders. is book, which is scheduled to be published in early 2017, contains 52 biblical essays that are designed to mature the Lawmaker in his faith, help him develop a Christian world view, and direct him toward making good personal as well as professional decisions that are based on biblical teachings. ese biblical essays were selected as the best among the hundreds of studies that Capitol Ministries has published in our 20 years. ey have been chosen specifically to offer the Public Servant biblical perspectives of the personal as well as professional obstacles and trials he will face in office, expand his faith in and reliance on God, as well as offer a Scriptural perspective of current legislative issues. Among them are: • Liberal eology's Struggle With Modern Archaeology Local Ministry | CM 20th 41 E M P O W E R I N G E Q U I P P I N G R E S O U R C I N G Vision Progress Local: 10,000 Ministries in 33,000 Ci tes Begun work to launch ministries in civic governments across the United States. " C apitol Ministries' in-depth Bible studies are important because some mes there is an element of resistance for Lawmakers to live out their faith in office due to what they hear about the separa on of church and state. But I always point out that The Cons tu on provides us with freedom of religion and free speech too, and that our na on was founded on Biblical principles. Ge ng into the Word of God through Bible studies reminds Lawmakers of their own spiritual roots and increases their awareness of Biblical principles. And too, the Word opens eyes just like it did for me. Years ago I read the Bible preparing to teach Sunday school to teenagers and I went from being poli cally correct to being Biblically correct. And at some point, you hope that the Holy Spirit will convict Lawmakers to apply the Word of God to their own lives and to the laws they enact. Lawmakers need the Gospel and they need the Word of God." Harold M. Me s State Senator Rhode Island District 6 Con nued on page 42 by the Word of Christ. R o m a n s 1 0 : 1 7

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