Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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and immerse them in the Word of God all along the way as they ascend to higher office. For 20 years Capitol Ministries has endeavored to see our BHAG realized. So far, we have: • Home Plate: Begun work to launch ministries in the 33,000 local civic governments across the United States. • First Base: Planted discipleship ministries in 40 state Capitols to benefit state Representatives, Sena- tors, and Constitutional Officers. • Second Base: Established thriving ministries and separate Members Bible Studies to U.S. Senators and Representatives in Washington, D.C. • Third Base: Birthed discipleship ministries in 24 foreign federal Capitols on four continents. While much has been accomplished, much is still to be done. In the coming years, Lord willing, our work will include planting additional state, federal, and international ministries and partnering with community churches to launch CivicReach®, a massive outreach to local Public Servants across the United States. As we plant more ministries in every strata of government, we will continue to proclaim Christ to government leaders and teach them His Word. Decades aer our founding, we are continuing our mission to deliver the Gospel to every political leader in every Capitol every year. Our vision is the same as it was from the beginning : to evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ, as we fulfill our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the political arena throughout the world. e Career and Influence Path of Most Public Servants School Board, Civic Government State Capitol, Judges U.S. Congress, Executive Branch, Judges Foreign National Leaders Our Ministries | CM 20th 15 "R alph and Danielle Drollinger of Capitol Ministries are the Government Sphere leaders for the U.S. Lausanne Commi ee on World Evangeliza on, which is more commonly known as the Mission America Coali on here in the United States. Our common objec ve is to reach all of America's Public Servants for Christ in the years ahead." Dr. Paul A. Cedar Chairman and CEO Mission America Coali on U.S. Lausanne Commi ee name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them always, even to the end of the age." M a t t h e w 2 8 :19 -2 0

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