Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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Technology | CM 20th 47 video files of news stories about Capitol Ministries, information about upcoming conferences, and audio files of Bible studies that can be easily downloaded, all offered without charge. rough our interactive website, and the CapApp which can be used on any electronic device, Capitol Ministries has created a technological infrastructure which enables our supporters to stay informed, and through which we offer our Ministry Leaders and Public Servants worldwide support. Our website averages about 10,000 views per month. Cutting-edge technolog y has revo- lutionized the world. In 1518 Martin Luther used the state-of-the-art technolog y of his day, the printing press that had recently been invented by Johannes Gutenberg , to distribute his "95 eses." Within months the "95 eses" had burned across Europe, ushering in the Protestant Reformation. Using the innovative technolog y of our time, Capitol Ministries seeks to disciple Public Servants throughout the world, both efficiently and effectively. I N REBUILDING AMERICA, THE BIBLICAL BLUEPRINT, author Ralph Drollinger explains the Biblical mandate for the mission of Capitol Ministries: to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the poli cal arena throughout the world. The command to take the Gospel to kings has been largely overlooked by churches and religious organiza ons as they seek to reach the masses in their efforts to fulfill the Great Commission. The book traces the Apostle Paul's path to capital ci es as he leads Gen les and Jews, but also many of the poli cal leaders of his me to the Lord. Capitol Ministries offers the book at no charge in four languages: English, French, Spanish, and Russian. Rebuilding America, The Biblical Blueprint

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