Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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HE POLITICAL ARENA OF THE WORLD IS OUR MISSION FIELD. Capitol Ministries exist to help fulfill the Great Commission by bringing the Word of God to a nation's leaders from the start of their careers in local government to the highest levels they reach. Across our country — and around the world — Capitol Ministries recruits, trains, and develops local Ministry Leaders, godly Bible teachers, who are skilled in evangelism and discipleship. We send them into the political communities and partner them with Legislators who sponsor the ministries, provide a meeting place inside the Capitol, and invite their colleagues to attend Bible studies. To those Legislators the Ministry Leaders deliver weekly in-depth exegetical Bible studies that are specific to the personal as well as political decision- making needs of these Public Servants. ey disciple Christian Lawmakers, minister to them one-on-one, and evangelize those who do not know Him and lead them toward maturity in Christ. Our ambitious goal is to deliver the Gospel to every Public Servant in every Capitol every year. We call this our Big Hairy Audacious Goal — our BHAG — and it is one we embrace with enthusiasm. To i l l u s t r a t e o u r B H A G , w e u s e t h e a l l - A m e r i c a n i c o n , t h e baseball diamond, to chart our course. Home plate represents the city halls and county governments of hometown America where many Public Ser vants begin their political careers. First base is state government which statistics show is a second stop for many local civic leaders. Second base is Washington, D.C. ministries to U.S. Senators and Representatives. ird Base represents international foreign federal Capitols. Our mission is to reach Public Servants at every stop along their careers 14 CM 20th | Our Ministries T Our Ministries " I t is very beneficial for Lawmakers to be involved in a serious Bible study. We should look to the Bible for examples of leaders. In fact, when Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel spoke to a joint session of Congress he looked up from the speaker's rostrum and saw Moses staring down at him. Here is the face of Moses who provided the law. Capitol Ministries Bible study has been very helpful to me personally. I enjoy the accountability of a weekly study that keeps us in the Word, as well as the interac on and fellowship with other members which is a real encouragement." Steve Daines U.S. Senator Montana "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you

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