Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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C A L I F O R N I A C U LT U R A L C U I S I N E locally sourced ingredients handcrafted cocktails & award wining wine list COMPLIMENTARY SELF OR VALET PARKING (831) 649-7830 | JACKSATPORTOLA.COM COMPLIMENTARY SELF OR VALET PARKING (831) 649-2698 | PORTOLAHOTEL.COM LUNCH 11:30AM - 4:00PM | DINNER 4:00PM - 11:00PM MONTEREY'S ORIGINAL CRAFT BREWERY Award Winning House Brews & Seasonal Ales Brewed On-site | Pet Friendly Patio | Sports on 18 HDTV's COMPLIMENTARY SELF OR VALET PARKING (831) 649-2699 | PETERBSBREWPUB.COM HAPPY HOUR DAILY 4:00PM - 6:30PM OPEN DAILY 6:00AM - 11:00AM Made-to-Order Omelets European Breakfast Buīet | BoƩomless Mimosas BECAUSE BRUNCH IS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA

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