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Celebrating America's Sweetheart L ocal icon Doris Day is busy—busy overseeing the rescue of animals, busy visiting with her loved ones and busy tending to the mail. "Answering the mail, alone, could be a full-time job!" she says. "I'm always floored that so many people from all over the world still remember me after all these years out of the enter tainment spotlight and take the time to write such lovely letters." As Day approaches her 96th bir thday in April, she keeps herself occupied doing what she loves most: remaining dedicated to the wel- fare of her beloved animals and staying in close touch with her devot- ed fan base. Day, speaking to Carmel Magazine before her bir thday bonanza at the end of March, oozes affection for her admirers. Ever humble, she marvels at their never-ending dedication. "I adore my fans," she says. "I receive such lovely letters from all over the world from 90-plus-year-olds to 9-year-olds, whose great-grandparents intro- duced them to my work. I'm in tears when they tell me how my movies and music have touched their lives." Our beloved local legend has touched too many lives to count. Millions swooned as this record-setting show woman kicked-off her luminous career in the 1940s. Day remains one of the most prolific singers and biggest box office draws of all time. The year 2018 brings some incredible anniversaries regarding Day's work: Her first film, "Romance on the High Seas," was released a star tling seventy years ago, in 1948. Her final film, "With Six You Get Eggroll," was made in 1968, and its 50th anniversary will be par t of Day's bir thday celebra- tion happening in Carmel. C a r m e l H o s t s D o r i s D ay 's 96 t h B i r t h d ay B Y D I N A E A S T W O O D 152 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8