Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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228 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ 2017 RED CROSS Farm to Table Dinner Tony Virrueta, Carrie Panetta, Lawrence Brown M ore than 350 community members attended the American Red Cross' four th annual Farm to Table Dinner. The event, held at Carmel Valley Ranch and presented by Century Communities and Audi, featured offerings from local restaurants, farms, wineries, and distilleries. The din- ner raised approximately $240,000 for the disaster-related work done by the Red Cross and its dedicated volunteers. David Ramos, Karina Rusk, Elvira & Alfred Diaz-Infante Trevor & Christine Riggen, Jennifer DeToy, Nick Eisner Todd Fisher, Tim Wood, Fabrice Roux Lee & Rochelle Hedgepeth, Dane Lobb, Marianne Perhach Sam & Lori Mazza, Gaudenz Panholzer Rosine Torrente, Josephine Flores, Diane Durbin, Patricia Torres Brent Sepulvado, Kimbery Harkins, John Fitzgerald, Chip Rerig Matt & Nadia Morgan Jennifer Roux, Michele Averill Kanani Reynolds, Roni Deutch Martin & Madeleine Cooper James & Sascha Romeo Janice & Brian Dempsey David Sanchez, Aaron Georis, Akili Bradley, Tyler Beron, Paul Contos Photos: Kelli Uldall Chelsea Asplund, Linda Gorman, Brook Sebok, Robin Ray

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