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230 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ Community Foundation's Celebration of Philanthropy Butch Kronlund, Mary Adams, Patte Kronlund M ore than 300 friends of the Community Foundation for Monterey County gathered at Corral de Tierra Country Club for the annual Celebration of Philanthropy to honor Distinguished Trustee Award recipients David and Susan Gill. CFMC President/CEO Dan Baldwin spoke about the impact of local generosity and guests enjoyed jazz from the MJF All-Star Duo and wines from Scheid Vineyards. Stephanie & Jack Harkness Karina Gutierrez, Minnie Elliot, Mackenzie Little Sal & Ada Lucido Suzi Brusa, Kendra Howell, Nancy Kotowski Ryan Flagg, Kellie Morgantini Carissa Chappellet, Sharen Carey, Christine Dawson Kate Mulligan, Helen Ruisi Nicola Samra, Elizabeth Welden- Smith, Sarah Boos, Colleen Bailey David & Susan Gill, Anne Ylvisaker, Dan Baldwin Miranda Jackson, Teresa Basham, Tony Antle, Christina DeMaria Vicki & Bill Mitchell Breanna Warnars, Laurel Lee-Alexander, Brian Thayer, Mary Gunn, Andrew Vie Natalie and Tessa Rava Photos: Kelli Uldall