Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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Wor ld-Class Globetrotter s to Share Travel Philosophies B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D E ven though we love coming home, travel- ing is close to the hear ts of many Carmelites. To satisfy that wanderlust, the Carmel Public Library Foundation is hosting "The Travel Edition" of its fundraising series on Tuesday, April 24. It's a special presentation indeed, featuring two of the travel world's most celebrated and acclaimed travel writers, popular TED speaker Pico Iyer and Don George of National Geographic Traveler and BBC fame. "These speakers will dazzle our community with stories from around and abroad," says Librar y Foundation Executive Director Alexandra Fallon. "Some people say that travel is becoming overcrowded and taxing and dangerous, but for me, the world is more open than it's ever been," Iyer says. "I'm going to speak about the necessity and beauty of travel in a world of crisscrossing cultures, and how that can transform us." "Over decades of travel around the globe, Pico and I have developed the same philosophy: travel is fundamentally life-transforming," adds George. "I'm excited to share an intimate con- versation about our world-wandering experi- ences and lessons in Carmel, the perfect place to talk about the riches and revelations of travel and look forward to an exhilarating, provocative and inspiring evening." More information on "The Travel Edition" can be found at SHORTCUTS EVENT Don George (Above) and Pico Iyer share their thoughts on the "life-transforming" effects of travel in an intimate conversation at Carmel Library on April 24th. 56 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8

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