Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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A Carmel Galler y with a Big Hear t B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D N ancy Dodds operates what is quite pos- sibly the friendliest gallery in town. Why? The answer is simple: Nancy Dodds. The first day working at Bob Haeger's Le Celle, she knew she was in the right place. "I loved it right away and I still do," Dodds says. "Bob hired me October 1, 1991, as gallery director with no art background. He didn't care. He said, 'I won't have to untrain you.'" Dodds bought the galler y in 1996 and at Haeger's urging, named it after herself. "He said, 'that's the name ever yone knows any- way,' " says the always upbeat, friendly and engaging owner. Part of her charm is that she doesn't engage in the hard sell. "I let the art sell itself," Dodds says. "Number one is to buy what speaks to you. Look at it with your heart. Get what you love. Art is like a member of the family, but you don't have to feed or water it." Thirty-five ("give or take") artists are repre- sented in Dodds' open, airy and welcoming gallery space. "I love my artists," she enthuses. "And it makes me feel good when people say this is their favorite gallery." Nancy Dodds Gallery is located at San Carlos and 7th in Carmel. For more information, go to or call 831/624-0346. SHORTCUTS ART For over 20 years, Nancy Dodds has represented a variety of artists in her welcoming gallery on 7th and San Carlos in downtown Carmel. 58 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 Photo: Kelli Uldall

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