Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, spring 2018

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Working Dogs BY MICHAEL CHATFIELD PHOTOGRAPHY BY KELLI ULDALL 84 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 Abbie T his Golden Retriever has the perfect job. "She is living the dream," says owner, Diggidy Dog General Manager Cindy Montgomery. "Abbie goes to work every day with her mom in a store that's full of dog toys and treats." Not that she takes advantage of the situation…much. "She doesn't help herself to the treat bar," Montgomery says. But she's is happy to show customers which are her favorites—in hopes of a reward. Abbie's favorite job is testing new treats that come in. "But she's put on a little weight since we started working here," Montgomery says. Whidbey T he steady stream of children that flows through Carmel children's boutiques Heaven and Starchild couldn't wish for a better greeter than this eight-year-old Cockapoo. "Kids love him," says co-owner (with husband Ash) Monique Vasanji. "He looks like a stuffed animal. In fact, a lot of times they think he is one." Whidbey is responsive to the high- pitched voices of children and is curious about whoever comes in. "If someone rolls by in a stroller, he has to see who's inside," she says. When he's happy, Whidbey wags more than his tail. "He wags his whole body," Vasanji says. "A man may smile and bid you hail Yet wish you to the devil; But when a good dog wags his tail, You know he's on the level." ~ Author unknown

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