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my father was with my four boys. He was there every day for them. I'm a big believer that there is a time and a season for everything." It sounds like a nice life, and he deserves it, but Miller will be dearly missed. Championship golf borders on the meta- physical, and Miller has been the perfect tour guide through the players' collective psyches. Before he came along, golf commentary skewed toward cloying, but Miller introduced pathos to the telecast. He punctured the myth that the players were heroic gladiators in pleated pants; in Miller's worldview, every swing is a train wreck waiting to happen, every missed putt a kind of MRI of the soul. Whenever calamity struck on Sunday after- noons, Miller was likely to blurt out, "That's nerves." Maybe, maybe not, but he always 112 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 Hall of Fame golfer Johnny Miller won the British Open in 1976. Miller was raised in San Francisco and won three championships at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am. He went on to be a successful golf analyst for NBC. Photo: Chris Smith/Popperfoto/Getty Images Photo: SNS Group/Alamy Stock Photo