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148 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 Actor Danny DeVito visits Emmy-award winning actor/comedian Dana Carvey playing Church Lady on "Saturday Night Live" in 1987. Church Lady knocks out a mean drum solo against the backdrop of stained glass windows. Michelangelo's statue of David, the boys laughed for hours and made fun of his genitalia. Emphasizing the insanity of his sons' plans (19 kids piling into one car with a random driver to go to Lake Tahoe leaving at 3:30 in the morn- ing, driving 13 hours, for a few minutes of snowboarding) or even refusing to make a sim- ple phone call to sor t out an issue with a land- lord, has, he relates, "parents in the audience with their heads in the hands weeping." Carvey has a comedy special currently play- ing on Netflix: "Dana Carvey: Straight White Male, 60" ("Not a par ticularly popular group," he acknowledges in the set.) On April 6, Carvey takes the (small) stage at the Inn at Spanish Bay in Pebble Beach at the 26th Annual Comics for Kids Auction. The ele- gant event has a cocktail reception, silent auc- tion and drawing which directly benefits the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County, which serve more than 4,000 children. Carvey previ- ously hosted the event over 10 years ago. "We're excited to have Dana Carvey join us again for this event and rally the audience to suppor t the Clubs," notes Ron Johnson, presi- dent & CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County. "We are so grateful to have such an incredibly generous community of sup- por ters who care about the lives of children and families in need." For over 50 years, the Clubs, located in Salinas and Seaside, have provided meals, help with homework, college counseling services, after-school care, summer programs, spor ts and more for kids aged 6-18. An average of 600 youth come through the Clubs daily, and funds are needed to expand teen centers and add more math, literacy and college prepara- tion services. Carmel Magazine interviewed Dana Carvey by phone from his Nor thern California home shor tly before the issue went to press. Photo: NBCUniversal, Inc.