Issue link: • 831.375.9712 that special? Someone thinks they are soo much better than the rest of us. Someone's been listening to SATAN!' It's always funny when someone is patronizing and judgmental. She's the ultimate. I've got a few things that always work. Like I do Jimmy Stewar t as a waiter, and then he swears. [In Jimmy Stewar t's trademark voice] 'Well, FUCK!' I'm not Rich Little. Right now, I'm having fun doing Jeff Bridges doing random things like eat- ing yogur t. I love abstract nonsensical comedy. CM: Have you been to the Carmel area before? DC: Yes, it's beautiful. And lots of ancient white men with oxygen tanks wearing super bright canary yellow pants and orange shir ts being pushed around in their wheelchairs by their wives. I'm old now too. CM: You're a youngster for Carmel. You're one of the 'kids.' DC: I'm more excited about this gig already. CM: What do you find par ticularly impor- tant about the Boys & Girls Clubs? DC: Obviously you want to help any child if you can. My wife had a good education and she tutors kids in English and math. Olympic runner Michael Johnson and I suppor t the Nor thern Light School [for disadvantaged kids] and sell ourselves for par ties. My father was an orphan and grew up in foster homes and had help from similar organizations. I will leave you with a bit I do lately. If the news gets you down, think of it as being deliv- ered by Paul McCar tney. [Launches into McCar tney's English accent in a wobbly voice describing the current federal government shut-down.] "There's like a little barrier, a little shur tty down…" The 26th Annual Comics for Kids Auction featuring Dana Car vey takes place Sat. April 6 from 5:30-10pm at The Inn at Spanish Bay in Pebble Beach. For more information on the show, go to or call 831/394-5171. 154 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 Unmistakably Bennett S a n C a r l o s b e t w e e n 5 t h & 6 t h C a r m e l C A 9 3 9 2 1 B e n n e t t S c u l p t u r e C a r m e l . c o m i n f o @ B e n n e t t S c u l p t u r e C a r m e l . c o m ( 8 3 1 ) 6 2 6 - 3 0 5 4 • • • Tw o G e n e r a t i o n s C r e a t i n g F i n e A r t S i n c e 19 6 7 • • • Photo Randy Tunnell