Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 155 Celebrating 55 Years Those 65 plus can relax at, Carmel Valley Manor, a life care community. It has an ideal climate, fine dining and fun activities, with three levels of care, should you need them. For information, call Angie Machado, (800) 544-5546 or visit Here, you have balance. In your 40s, it was so many responsibilities, so little time. 8545 Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel, CA 93923 License #270700110 COA #082 !"#$%&'()(&#*+),'%)(-#.(/).01,2*(1).,3(4)3*5( 671(8).()+(9)(:,)3)(/).01,(%*()+(#&;1( -)0%,%).()&4(&1<=(>)+71.(.#?&4(+71(-%.1(@%+5( <71.1(3#?(<%,,(A1(<.)@@14(%&(*?&*1+("%1<*( )&4(+71(*#?&4*(#-(+71(:);%-%;=(( !&B#3(41,%;%#?*(;71-C@.1@).14(@,)+1*5( ;,)**%;(;.)-+(;#;$+)%,*5()&4(,#;),(0%;.#CA.1<*=(( D001.*1(3#?.*1,-(%&(/).01,2*(;7).);+1.5( 4.%&$(%&()(*1&*1(#-(7%*+#.35(4%*;#"1.(9)(:,)3)5( /).01,2*(0#*+(4%*+%&'?%*714(,)&40).$= WELCOMING GUESTS & WARMING HEARTS SINCE 1905

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