Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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Q: What's your favorite menu item in the history of The Sardine Factory? A: Veal Cardinal. When I created it I wanted to marry lobster and veal and I thought it would be interesting if I could create a sauce (lemon cream with a demi base) to incorporate the two proteins. Q: What qualities do you look for in a young chef? A: I look for someone who's dependable first. I want to see enthusiasm for what they want to do—show me you want to be a chef, not just own your own restaurant. Q: What person, living or dead, would you most want to eat dinner with? A: I'd give anything to have dinner with my grandparents again. Family is the key to ever ything. Q: Is there an ingredient you use a lot that would surprise people? A: Star anise. We had a Chinese restaurant at one time and I learned that cuisine, and I enjoy those culinary influences. People today are more accepting of different culinary styles and ingredients. There's nothing like creating a dish that uses different, unexpected influences and have it be a success. 204 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 HAPPY HOUR 4:306:30, MONTHURS Unique Selection of Wines Sign up on the Web for our LOYALT Y PROGRAM and earn rewards and discounts 1901 Fremont Boulevard • Seaside, CA 93955 (831) 899-5825 • Fresh Pasta Wood Burning Oven Full Bar • To Go San Carlos between Ocean & 7th • Carmel-by-the-Sea 831.626.8226 • Denis Boaro Proprietor Fresh Local Organic Food D O G F R I E N D LY S U N DAY B R U N C H PAT I O S E AT I N G The first Certified Green restaurant in Monterey County. Located in the heart of Carmel-by- the-Sea, our seasonal menu is inspired by the freshest sustainable seafood the Monterey Bay has to offer and the finest organic local produce. Basil offers the finest Venetian cuisine blend- ing old world tradition with new world inspiration. Our menu includes a generous selection of vegetarian and vegan dishes, as well as gluten-free options; contemporary cocktails and excellent California and Italian wines. Reservations are recommended. 'I need a reason to get up in the morning. The restaurant is my passion. And I'm very involved with some culinary schools and fundraising. Those activities keep me going.'

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