Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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The Fur Flies at this Carmel Pet Grooming Business B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D I f proof was needed that our little village is and always has been a dog town, consider this: according to owner Todd Harris, Suds 'N Scissors is the longest on-going business in Carmel. "I'm the third owner. I bought the busi- ness in 1992," Harris says. It was founded in downtown Carmel-by-the- Sea, then moved to Carmel Rancho and even- tually the Crossroads Carmel. This is a busy place. Over the holidays, when people want their pets to put their best paws forward, it isn't unusual for more than 70 dogs to come to Suds 'N Scissors per day for servic- es ranging from shampoos, baths, haircuts, flea baths, brush outs — even nail buffing, feather trims and teeth brushing. The rest of the year, an average of 35 to 40 animals go through the door per day. And it isn't just dogs; cats are also given the royal treatment here. "I started working with animals when I was 15," Harris says. A veterinary tech, he eventually owned several pet businesses in Santa Cruz before coming to Carmel. Active in the canine community, he has been Treasurer of the Del Monte Kennel Club for the past 22 years. Suds 'N Scissors is located at 223 The Crossroads Boulevard, Carmel. Please call 831/624-4697 or go to SHORTCUTS BUSINESS Todd Harris, with his cat Clyde, owns Suds 'N Scissors in the Carmel Crossroads Shopping Center. The popular pet grooming business has been around for decades. 70 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 Photo: Kelli Uldall

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