Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine, Winter-Spring 2019

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A Master Craftsman with an Eye for Unique Tables B Y C L AY TO N S C H U S T E R D ylan Harrison has led the team at Harrison Furniture since the woodwork- ing firm opened in downtown Monterey 11 years ago. Harrison has brought the team's pas- sion for carpentry and eye for detail to more than 100 homes between Big Sur and the Bay Area––mostly, though on 17 Mile Drive in Pebble Beach and in Carmel. The company's clients include the area's most renowned designers and architects. Their port- folio overflows with work executed for the likes of IDG Architects, Eric Miller Architects, Studio Carver Architects, and others. Harrison is expanding the firm's offerings by crafting bespoke tables and metal sculptures branded under his own name. Each table is unique, made of reclaimed wood and custom glass, as well as individually named to highlight the qualities that he finds in the materials. "I went into carpentry initially for a hands-on, creative outlet outside of my engineering class- es," says Harrison. "I have designed and built fur- niture from the moment I started practicing car- pentry seriously. I love to create, to work with my hands." Dylan Harrison tables are currently featured at Carrigg's of Carmel. Harrison Furniture is located at 865 Abrego Street, Suite C in Monterey. Please call 831/649-6969 or visit or for more information. SHORTCUTS BUSINESS Dylan Harrison creates one-of-a-kind custom tables and metal sculptures. Harrison Furniture works with top architects throughout the Central Coast and Bay Area. 76 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 9

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