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TV. Wild Things morphed into Wild Things Animal Rentals, Inc. Several years of high-profile work alongside a Who's Who of Hollywood ensued. "As much as I loved it, it was hard work," says Sammut. "Working with animals as big as bears, lions, tigers and elephants is tough, physically. Plus, there's a lot of travel involved. I wanted to be here with my family." He decided to come home for good to the 51-acre spread he had purchased in 1995 to house and showcase his menagerie. Nestled in the shadow of the Santa Lucia Mountains on River Road, the compound is home to 180 animals. Children of all ages stream in for up- close and personal viewings of these critters, ranging from the big cats to elephants, a hyena, porcupines, a kangaroo, ferrets, a capybara and camels, to name just a few. Wild Things has now become the nonprofit Monterey Zoo. Foremost in Sammut's mind is that the animals in his care are treated humanely and are provided with the best quality of life possible. "We eventually want all our animals out of small cages," he states. The first step toward that goal Monterey Zoo cares for a variety of wild animals at its location near Salinas. Visitors can meet Bartley the Caracal (African Lynx), Doc the Binturong (a bearcat native to South Asia), and Moksha, a female Royal White Bengal Tiger. Photos: Kelli Uldall C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 139