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part of a group of businesspeople who helped him in the beginning. We all lent him $125 each t o get the festival off the ground." Today he is an Emeritus member of the Jazz Festival board. Now retired from business, Brunn's calling card reads: Howard Brunn/Activist. During his tenure on the Carmel City Council from 1978 to 1982 and thereafter, Brunn was at t he epicenter of some of the most hot-button issues in Monterey Peninsula history. Among oth- ers, he led the fight to keep a major oil company from bringing super tankers close to shore to provide fuel for a power plant in Moss Landing. " One accident with those single-hulled ships would have destroyed Monterey Bay," he says. Brunn was a founder of the Odello Land Acquisition Fund (OLAF) that helped save the Odello artichoke fields that abut the Carmel River south of town from development. "There were plans to develop that land and subdivide it for around 200 homes," Brunn recalls. "It was to be built along a system of Venice-style canals." OLAF was able to finagle $100,000 out of the city coffers as seed money for the eventually successful effort to save that land. "That was quite a feat for a project that was outside the city limits," he adds. "All those canal-front homes would have been underwater after the first heavy rains anyway," he laughs. These words are prominently displayed on the wall of the Carmel City Council chamber: Clockwise from left; Brunn (middle), and his brothers Louis and Homer on a horse from Lynn Hodges' Junipero Street stable; thank you note from artist and friend Gus Arriola; an incomplete Carmel High School behind its entire student body. Brunn at far right was ASB president. 144 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5