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An Elevated Nature raven with a limp slides off an oak branch to perch on artist Jane Rosen's patio railing to examine an afternoon snack of rice. "Mama Raven" isn't thrilled with the grains today, so Rosen heads into her kitchen for some tastier offerings. "You don't like the rice, do you want chicken?" she asks. The raven affirms noisily. Rosen laughs. "There comes a certain point in the day where it's like, 'Give me the chick- en! I'm not vegan!'" J a n e R o s e n 's A r t E x p l o r e s t h e E s s e n c e o f A n i m a l s B Y B R E T T W I L B U R "Dark Amber," hand-painted archival pigment print. A 170 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5