Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine HO15

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P E N I N S U L A S C E N E 204 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 Pebble Beach Authors & Ideas Festival Major donors and festival presenters gathered in Stevenson School's Rosen Center for dinner following the outdoor opening. The festival continued for the weekend, featuring more than 25 speakers, and student programs of the Carmel Ideas Foundation continue throughout Monterey County during the school year. Jeff Kirschner, Scott James, Nate Lindsay John Morissey, Ann & Sam Ginn Debbie Lent, Charlotte Thomas Jim Price, Linda & Randy Charles Jim & Cindy McGillen Ken Derr, John McCoy Donna Derr, Bill & Barbara Edwards Susanne Holm, Linda Yellich Rich & Ann Patterson Sam Armacost, Marcia Wythes Dave & Joan O'Reilly Mike Beck, William Gilly, Susan Shillinglaw Lisa Reed, Patrick Kraft, Rose Marie & John Hendry, Edward Chiorazzi Taelen Thomas, Nancy Kotowski, Scott Hubbard Photos by Kelli Uldall

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