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+Olive Provides Natural Solutions to Home Furnishings I nside a light-filled showroom in Carmel's Crossroads Shopping Center, an appealingly eclectic selection of furniture, art, lighting, bedding, gifts, pottery, candles and more form the sustainable home goods company, +Olive. An intriguing light fixture of stained glass and quartz crystal hangs over an inviting bed with a headboard of backlit stone; live-edge slabs of wood rest on steel legs to form inviting tables; and a pelican painted on a rustic wooden square looks ready to fly away. Working at her grandmother's antique dining table is owner Ashley Yeates. An attorney turned interior designer, Yeates seeks to offer custom design pieces made with sustainable practices. "The goal for me is to be chemical free," she says. "We use natural fabrics like cotton, linen, mohair or wool. From start to finish, we want to ask: where are the resources coming from, how are the employees treated?" Instead of using chemically treated latex foam to fill couches or chairs, Yeates uses cooled tree sap wrapped in down or wool. Hardwood frames replace particleboard. "I want to go back in time, like my grand- mother taught me, when things were quality and made by hand," she says. "We want to be a soft impact to make the world better." +Olive is an umbrella covering several lines: Branded Branch is all handmade; +Olive creates custom furniture; Fallen Leaf uses recycled, reclaimed and repurposed materials; and Roots uses local tradespeo- ple to make "anything you can imagine." With other environmentally friendly local businesspeople, Yeates formed the nonprof- it CUSP: Cultivate Understanding for Sustainable Practices. "We want to start providing sustainability workshops," she says. Yeates also provides services for the hospitality industry, commercial buildings and a menu for smaller projects including paint, tile, plumbing fixtures and pillows. "We want people to bring their own ideas in, and let us help them make them real," she says. +Olive is located at 120 The Crossroads Shopping Center, Carmel. 831/250-5307 or —Brett Wilbur SHORTCUTS BUSINESS 64 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 Ashley Yeates describes the furniture and home goods items at Carmel's +Olive store (named for her dog) as "unique, with a lifespan and made with natural materials." Photo: Kelli Uldall