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Paris-Gutierrez of Los Angeles Ballet Academy and guest artists Dylan Gutierrez and Jeraldine M endoza, who play the Cavalier and Sugar Plum Fairy, appearing courtesy of The Joffrey Ballet. The tale of Clara and her beloved Nutcracker is a holiday tradition for many families and Dance Kids' lively and colorful production is a must-see. First Night Monterey Thursday, Dec. 31 Downtown Monterey I n terms of sheer numbers, First Night Monterey is the biggest annual event on the Monterey Peninsula. With the first First Night celebrated on Dec. 31, 1992, this alcohol-free New Year's Eve celebration of the visual and performing ar ts has grown from an audience of 9,000 to more than 40,000. The volunteer staff alone is now 500 strong, with hundreds of musical, theatrical, dance perform- ances and interactive art installa- tions throughout the downtown area of Monterey. Part of its mission is "using art as a catalyst to unify the community through creativity, imagi- nation and participation." This is its 23rd year, so they've definitely ful- filled the mission statement. Tommy Emmanuel Friday, Jan. 15 Sunset Center, Carmel T ommy Emmanuel started playing guitar at the age of 4 and started playing profes- sionally just two years later. That gives you an idea of the talent and skill he brings to the instrument. Chet Atkins bestowed a Certified Guitar Player honor to him, making him one of only five musicians to receive the C.G.P. distinc- tion from the late master. He's received numer- ous awards from Guitar Player magazine, been nominated for two Grammies and, as a studio musician, played on albums with Air Supply and Men At Work. His latest album, "It's N ever Too Late," features various styles, from blues a nd folk to Spanish- style guitar. An accomplished finger- s tyle guitarist, Em- manuel frequently plays the melody, the supporting chords and the bass simultane- ously, making him a virtual one-man band. "Music was the worst drug I ever had, and I'm still hooked on it," he says. For tickets, go to The Smithereens: "Songs From The Who and More" Friday, Jan. 22 Sunset Center, Carmel T he Smithereens stormed out of Carteret, New Jersey, in 1980 with a power pop style that owed a lot to artists such as The Byrds and The Beatles, but also artists such as Buddy Holly, Elvis Costello, The Clash and especially The Who. The band hit it big in 1986 with hits that included "Blood and Roses" and "Behind the Wall of Sleep," and later with MTV and sound- track staples such as "Only a Memory," "House We Used to Live In," "Drown in My Own Tears" and "A Girl Like You." The Smithereens will deliv- er excerpts from The Who's "Tommy," the great- est rock opera of all time, play fan favorites by the band, as well as perform hits from their own celebrated career. Three out of the four members still play and tour in the band, much like their idols, The Who. 6th Annual Whalefest Monterey Jan. 23-24 Old Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey T he recent abundance of hump- back whales, orcas and dolphins in and around Monterey Bay, plus the airing of the BBC/PBS show "Big Blue Live," has brought worldwide atten- tion to the Monterey Peninsula. So it's a perfect time for one of the Peninsula's sig- nature events, Whalefest, a free, educational and interactive event that celebrates not only the annual migration of gray whales, but all manner of sealife in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. The event also benefits a multitude of local and national marine organizations, and includes educational displays, symposiums, lec- tures, documentaries and musical and theatrical performances with a maritime theme. It's a great event for the whole family and highlights the incredible diversity offered by the sanctuary in our own backyard. C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 95 Monterey Bay's diverse sea life, especially gray whales, is cele- brated with lectures and performances at Whalefest. Multi-talented, award-winning guitarist Tommy Emmanuel plays in Carmel on Jan. 15.