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STYLECARMEL Creative Direction: Brian Bode Hair: Lili for Oya Salon Makeup: April for Oya Salon Stylist: Angolee Bode Photography: Jim Ortiz Models: Ashley Reinke and Heather Whiting Special thanks: HMM Halvorson Model Management Written by Christina-Lauren Pollack of Inspirations & Celebrations FOR A SWEET AND SASSY LOOK THIS HOLIDAY, PLAY PEEK-A-BOO IN A CUT-OUT DRESS WITH FEMININE FLORAL DETAILS. BECOME THE ULTIMATE SOPHISTICATE WITH THIS SEASON'S MUST-HAVE STRUCTURED HANDBAG. Dorothee Schumacher silk crepe de chine and crochet lace dress, Nancy Gonzalez crocodile handbag, and Jimmy Choo shoes from Augustina's Designer Boutique. C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 97 FALL FASHION