National Geographic Science – Spanish TE Samplers

Earth Science Spanish - Grade K

National Geographic Science - Spanish Sampler - Grade K

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Ciencias de la Tierra Gran idea Gran libro El día y la noche Pregunta sobre la gran idea SECTION 3 ¿En qué se diferencian el día y la noche? Lesson 3 Stars por Susan Halko Objectives Science Students will be able to: • Observe and describe the stars in the night sky. • Observe that stars are many, scattered, and differ in brightness. 1 Introduce Tap Prior Knowledge Have students discuss what they know about stars. Ask: ¿Cuándo han visto estrellas en el cielo? (at night) ¿Cómo son las estrellas? (Possible answer: tiny points of light that twinkle) Discuss how stars at night appear very differently from the moon and sun. Set the Purpose and Read Read the heading on page 14 aloud. Tell students to listen as you read to find out more about the stars. 2 Teach Read Aloud and Discuss •Read pages 14–15 aloud. Then point to the photo and read the caption. Explain that the dark area at the bottom of the photo shows a hill on Earth. Above it is the night sky filled with stars. •Ask: ¿Cuántas estrellas vemos en la foto? (Possible answers: hundreds; too many to count) ¿En qué se diferencian las estrellas entre sí? (Some may appear a little larger and/or brighter; others may appear very small and faint.) Discuss how the stars are scattered, meaning they are not evenly spaced. Raise Your SciQ! •Have students compare the left and right sides of the photo. Ask: ¿En qué lado podemos ver más estrellas? (the left side) ¿Por qué creen que podemos ver más estrellas en el lado izquierdo del cielo? (Possible answer: This side is darker. Stars cannot be seen in a bright sky.) The Importance of Stars  People in many ancient cultures, including the Greeks and Egyptians, recognized patterns in the stars. Star patterns helped them find their way at night. Seasonal changes to the patterns helped them decide when to plant and harvest crops. •Point out the small, orange-tinted piece of the sky on the far right of the photo. Say: El Sol ilumina esta parte del cielo. Por eso es más difícil ver las estrellas. Today, many star patterns are recognized as constellations. Scientists have agreed on 88 constellations, many the same as in ancient times. T14  Big Ideas Big Book

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