National Geographic Science – Spanish TE Samplers

Earth Science Spanish - Grade K

National Geographic Science - Spanish Sampler - Grade K

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Ciencias de la Tierra Gran idea Gran libro El día y la noche Pregunta sobre la gran idea SECTION 3 ¿En qué se diferencian el día y la noche? Lesson 4 The Sun por Susan Halko Objectives Science Students will be able to: • Recognize that the sun is a star that can be seen during the day. • Recognize that the sun is the closest star to Earth. Science Academic Vocabulary   Tierra 1 Introduce Tap Prior Knowledge Ask students to review what they already have learned about the sun. Discuss how the sun lights the sky during the day, seems to move across the sky, and does not appear at night. Set the Purpose and Read Read the heading on page 16 aloud. Tell students to listen as you read to find out more about the sun. 2 Teach Read Aloud and Discuss •Read pages 16–17 aloud. Have a volunteer point to the sun in the photo and read the label. Say: El Sol es una estrella. Then ask: ¿Qué diferencia hay entre el Sol y las estrellas que vemos en la noche? (The sun is much closer to Earth than other stars are. It is the only star we see during the day.) •Flip back to pages 14–15. Have students compare the photo of stars on these pages with the photo of the sun on page 16. Ask: ¿Qué diferencia hay en el aspecto del Sol con el de las estrellas que vemos en la noche? (The sun looks much larger and brighter.) •Discuss how the stars at night look so tiny because we are so far away from them. Say: Si estuviéramos mucho más cerca de las estrellas que vemos en la noche, también se verían grandes y brillantes en el cielo. T16  Big Ideas Big Book Science Misconceptions Sun and Stars  Some students may not recognize the sun as a star, or they might think that the sun is an unusually large and bright star. In fact, the sun is a star, and it is a typical star in many ways. The sun appears large and bright only because it is relatively close to Earth. Although stars may appear white in the night sky, some are yellow or orange like the sun. Other stars are blue, white, red, or other colors.

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