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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 101 (870) 866-6777 | RELA X Root Canal Made Eas y What if you could save your natural tooth with a pain-free root canal? Relaxing. Pleasant. Comfortable. Testimonials Dr. Daniel J. Pierre A Specialist Passionate About Saving Your Natural Teeth D a n i e l J . P i e r r e , D D S M S • Call (831) 373-2128 880 Cass Street, Suite 200 Monterey, Ca 93940 CENTRAL COAST ENDODONTICS I've had many root canals over the decades and can say without hesitaon that this was by far the best, most comfortable, pleasant, and effecve root canal procedure I've ever had. If ever the occasion arises to have another one, there is no queson I would fly across the US if I had to, in order to be treated by Dr. Pierre. He is genuinely that good. ~ Karen, MD, Monterey, CA