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love affair, every setback and travesty was chronicled by the tabloid press of her day. Her face and figure were familiar all over the globe…and they still are today. And Marilyn, like so many others then and now, succumbed several times to the tempting siren call of the Monterey Bay area. The Salinas Californian documented her first known visit of August 5, 1948: "…she came here to help pro- mote a diamond sale at Carlyle's Jewelers…the store had hired a starlet named Noreen Nash, but Nash had to cancel. So Monroe filled in. Patrons squeezed in. Marilyn flashed her brilliant smile. She chatted in an amiable way and auto- graphed pictures of herself. That day the jewel- ry store sold lots of diamonds." No doubt. Diamonds, after all, are a girl's best friend. The starlet stayed around for about a week, staying at the Jeffrey Hotel on Main Street. While here, she evidently made appearances at several Fresh-faced Norma Jeane Dougherty quit her job in a defense plant and pursued a modeling career in the mid-1940s. She was a natural, especially at swimsuit shots. That work led directly to her being hired by Darryl Zanuck at Fox. Photo: Earl Theisen/Getty Images 136 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6