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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 167 For More Information Contact: Bruce Dormody at (831) 659-0402 Carmel's Only Private Recreation Resort SAN CLEMENTE RANCHO Cabin 74, located just above the lake. 3 bedroom, 2 bath cabin is fully furnished 1600 sq/ft with 1200 sq/ft redwood deck, $345,000. Clubhouse/Pool Area D iscover San Clemente Rancho, a fog free 2600 acre private vacation preserve, located less than 20 miles from hwy 1 and Carmel Valley road in the Santa Lucia Mountains. The Rancho has 100 privately owned cabins, a few of which are currently for sale. These are vacation homes and not permanent residences. The Rancho's amenities include two swimming pools, hot tub, sauna, tennis, mini golf, two small fishing/swimming/boating lakes, and miles of hiking & biking trails. Look us up on the internet, on Facebook or give us a call for an appointment. Please contact us to obtain a free "Get Acquainted" guest pass and spend the day checking out all we have to offer.