Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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something, I'm bored. I have to work with my hands, have to design and build. I designed my wineries, my house…and now this." It's a beauty. There's probably nothing like it any- where. Part of Talbott's collection was formerly on display at the Talbott Vineyards tasting room. Comparing that display to the new one is like put- ting a Moto Guzzi up against a moped. Aside from a couple of dirt bikes skewered on poles in the parking lot, there is little hint from outside as to the two-wheel wonders that lie inside. "We do three things here," Talbott says. "Educate, preserve and restore." Not all the exhibits are in pristine, restored-to-factory con- dition—though some certainly are. And some examples are in mint condition without benefit of restoration. "I won't restore a motorcycle 182 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 Top: A 1960 BSA Gold Star owned by late local rider Ron Halem. Below: One wall of the basement of the Moto Talbott Collection is lined with 21 motocross and trials bikes, arranged in chronological order from 1964 through 1974.

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