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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 225 The restaurant features indoor and outdoor seating, all against the backdrop of the Monterey Bay. "People are done with eating in a formal, stuffy restaurant," says Narigi. "We have sustain- able seafood, four beautiful steaks, pasta, some game, and always calamari and spot prawns. We use local vendors and what is coming directly out of the fields." On Saturday afternoons, new cooking classes at Schooners are open to both guests and the public. A dish that may be somewhat intimidat- ing to prepare, such as seared scallops, becomes (Top) The ocean is a soothing backdrop at the hotel, which is situated over the water on historic Cannery Row. (Below) The Vista Blue Spa has stunning views and restorative treatments.