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Earning certification was more complex than replacing a few lightbulbs, although converting back of the house bulbs to LED lighting and changing fixtures was part of the process. " They audit every single thing you do in the restaurant," Baker explains. "It's very tricky and time consuming and a lot of vendors don't respond so we are missing tons of points in seafood and other areas, because its diffi- c ult to get documented." A purchase made at a local farmers market may be hard to verify, even though every week items like local pasture-raised eggs, cherries, kale, herbs, d ates, citrus and honey are brought over to the restaurant in a giant wagon. "These invoices are on scratch paper," Baker says. "It's pretty sketchy. I've gotten on Facetime [with a woman from the auditing process] and taken her with me to the farmers market." The certification requirements from the Green Restaurant Association (GRA) aren't easy, Baker explains. Vendors don't always provide the documentation to prove that items conform to Seafood Watch guidelines. Montrio cans their own cherries and uses compostable materials when possible. 242 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6