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WATER & LEAVES BRINGS SOPHISTICATION TO THE WHARF From the day it opened in April, Water & Leaves has turned heads on Fisherman's Wharf. It's an oddball business among the seafood shanties, candy shops and gift stores, standing out due to its sleek, modern design, high-tech approach to brewing coffee and tea, and sheer sophistication. Owner Joe Delecce has owned a jewelry store for 20 years near the end of the Wharf, and his son and daughter-in-law convinced him to turn the adjacent storage room into the best thing to happen to the pier since clam chowder. Water & Leaves believes espresso is an art, and holds up its Italian heritage well in this regard . Beans are carefully sourced, roasted daily and drip- brewed to order, while organic teas are brewed in space age, touch screen controlled crucibles that automatically adjust water temperatures. Water & Leaves also sells fresh-squeezed juices, healthy, organic snacks and specialty prod- ucts (local honey is a big draw). Seated at tables outside, guests line the prom- enade and experience something truly different on a wharf experiencing a sea change. Water & Leaves is located at 95 Fisherman's Wharf #1 in Monterey. 831/324-4058 or BROPHY'S REMODEL WELCOMED BY COMMUNITY A pub or tavern is more than a place to tip a pint or plow through a mound of fish and chips. It's a unique social center, the focus of communi- ty life, a tonic for modern maladies, a place to gather, swap stories and soothe savage beasts. Even in Carmel. Fifteen years after the closure of the vil- lage's favorite pub Bully III, Brophy's Tavern has become Carmel's de facto "third place," where a convivial congregation of friends, neighbors and wayward tourists gather for food, drink and camaraderie. The pub is par t of the newly remodeled Hotel Carmel, which reopened in May, followed by the repolishing of Brophy's. New owners, new design elements and old-fashioned elbow grease transformed this 49-seat space. Dressed up with five flat screens and an impressive vintage beer-can 262 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 Water & Leaves at Fisherman's Wharf #1 in Monterey sells gourmet coffee, tea, honey, juices and snacks. (From left) Cashier Alessandro Boaro; Manager/Supervisor Myriam Pinedo Dale; General Manager Denis Boaro; barista Emily Rhoads; and head barista David Sonderby. Photo: Kelli Uldall food for thought Water and Leaves' Elegant Offer ings; Brophy's Second Act; and Tar py's Roadhouse is Buzzing with Herbs and Produce B Y L A R R Y H A R L A N D