Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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ALL SAINTS' DAY SCHOOL SPRING AUCTION W e would like to th ank our Spo nso rs for th e ir ge nerous supp ort of All Sa in ts' Day Sch ool Presenting Diamond Event Sponsor The All Saints' Board of Trustees Platinum Sponsors C armel Realty Company The Lansbury Family The Morgan Fami ly Noland , H ame rl y, Etienne & H oss Tim All e n Properties Gold Sponsors The Natividad Family The Shuma n Family SSB Construction Su nset Produce Silver Sponsor Vantage Eye Center Bronze Sponsors T he Manci na Family York School Copper Sponsors - The Hand Family, Floricu ltura, Red Wagon Farm s, Rheim Derm atology Underwriting Support - Carmel Pipe Shop, Glenn Gobel Custom Frames, Fourtane, Griggs Nursery, David Haddad, Marcum Family, Mcintyre, Oya Salon, Patrick Phinney, Rodney Strong, Ryuijie, Selection Massale, Weston Gallery

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