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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 293 ELAYNE SILVA-REYNA National award-winning artist offers signed giclees of Bernice Torrez, Kashia Pomo "Medicine Song Woman". Also, author of "Wolf Dreamer of the Longest Night Moon". Call for an appointment 831-245-5440 "Medicine Song Woman" And 675 Pine Avenue • Pacific Grove, CA (831) 649 -1055 • Dr. Arlen Lackey's Philosophy? "Listening to concerns, discovering needs, and finding solutions." He uses technology to make patients more comfortable. Enjoy Patient Reviews of Excellence and Comfort Visit: Our Staff Fear of pain keeps people away from the dentist. Good dental health contributes to enjoyment of life, smiling and laughing