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M y dad would have loved this edition. There was no bigger fan of Marilyn Monroe than my father. Every year for the last 25 years of his life, I always bought him a Marilyn calendar or set of glasses or some memorabilia as par t of his Christmas gift. Marilyn died August 5th, 1962, at the age of 36. Having to scour through thousands of photos to pick some for our story was a tough job, but hey, somebody had to do it! Although elements of her life were shrouded in tragedy and mystery, she has cer tainly remained popular over the years and her natural beauty endures. I hope you enjoy our cover story, which focuses on some of Marilyn's visits to the Monterey Peninsula. On the subject of natural beauty, this place that we get to visit or live and work in is certainly one of the most visually amazing places on the planet and one that offers a lively cul- tural experience as well. This season offers up fantastic events such as the many spectacular Car Week activities, the 59th Annual Monterey Jazz Festival, Pebble Beach Authors and IDEAS festival, Carmel International Film Festival, Sand City's West End Celebration, Salinas Food and Wine Festival, Oktoberfest Monterey Bay, the Monterey Bay Tequila and Cuisine festival, Carmel by-the-Sea Centennial Celebration, and many others, all of which take place between August 1st and the end of October. Then add in some amazing concer ts at Sunset Center and the Golden State Theatre, as well as other venues throughout the county. How about the ar t galleries and amazing local ar tists, shopping, wine tasting and dining options? The individ- ual towns throughout the county and the character they have give us true diversity. For locals and visitors alike, this area rivals anything anywhere. The beaches and hiking trails cannot be overlooked. It is simply amazing how much our communi- ties have to offer. You may notice a new ongoing section of Carmel Magazine, printed on different paper, which is dedicated to sustainable living. It is within those pages that we intend to highlight peo- ple and businesses in the area, which are providing a better way to live by reducing their carbon footprint and utilizing renewable resources. I have been asked the following question, "Why don't you guys print on recycled paper?" Although this a valid question, the answer may surprise you. The toxins from the inks extract- ed from paper in order to make it into recycled paper are far worse for our environment than the paper we use. Those chemicals and inks end up in our groundwater, sewers and landfills. Most paper suppliers have their own tree farms and are constantly cutting and replanting their own resources in order to supply the demand so forests are not being cleared. The theory that recycled paper for magazines is saving trees is a meaningless argument as in most cases trees are being farmed by the paper companies much like our vegetable farm- ers do. We print at Creel Printing in Nevada, which is a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified printer. FSC is a nonprof- it organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible for- est management worldwide. Ecology and protecting our resources are definitely priorities at Carmel Magazine. As we continue to see more restaurants and consumers participating in the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch program, that education of choosing wild and sustainably farmed fish is affecting change of an incredibly valued resource. We have a lot to learn and a responsibility to leave our chil- dren a better foundation to build on and a healthier planet. We hope to help bring some awareness to this important topic in every edition of our magazine. Along those lines, whether you live here or are just visiting, please pick up your trash and keep this place beautiful. Enjoy the rest of summer and the fall! 48 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 PUBLISHER'S NOTE S T E V E S N I D E R Life's a Beautiful Thing "Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about." ~Marilyn Monroe