Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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BEST OF THE CARMEL POLICE LOG… Adult male visiting Carmel was reported missing by his wife, who last saw him at Monterey's Fisherman's Wharf. Officers located the male wandering in downtown Carmel, looking for his hotel. Subject was transported to his hotel and reunited with his wife. SHORTCUTS CARMEL CONFIDENTIAL African Stone Sculptors Offer Live Demonstrations in Carmel C armel sculptor Steven Whyte earned n ational honors in May, when the United States Sports Academy named him 2016 Sport Artist of the Year in the sculpture category. Known for realistic bronze pieces inspired by the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Bob Hope and others, Whyte has long attracted international atten- tion for his ability to uniquely capture the spir- it and character of his subjects. His work in the athletic arena includes a sculpture unveiled two years ago at Texas A&M University. Whyte's War Hymn Memorial is a larger-than-life monument fea- turing 12 Aggie students linking shoulders, just as they would during the school's lively foot- ball games. The 36-foot-long bronze, which welcomes fans to Texas A&M's Kyle Field, is Whyte's second commission for the universi- ty. He also crafted a monument of graduate and 1957 Heisman Trophy winner John David Crow that's displayed at the stadium. Whyte's other sports-related work includes a life-sized elephant mascot crafted for Tufts University, and former NFL coach Tony Dungy's "Uncommon Award," a tabletop sculpture featuring Dungy's father, Wilbur Dungy, together with Martin Luther King, Jr., and Dungy's college coach, Cal Stoll. Steven Whyte and other 2016 United States Sports Academy awardees will be rec- ognized during a November ceremony. The Alabama-based special-mission sports univer- sity offers instruction, research and service programs that prepare par ticipants for careers in athletics. Local Sculptor Honored by US Sports Academy O ne of Zimbabwe's p r e m i e r s t o n e sculptors will demonstrate his craft during presenta- tions taking place in Carmel this August 13 through 14. Acclaimed ar tist Moses Nyanhongo headlines an August 13 opening recep- tion at Gallery Sur, and will share his Shona sculpture skills during two days of outdoor exhibitions taking place around the community. Nyanhongo carves contemporary stone figures by hand, using chis- els, hammers and sandpaper to create shapes before coaxing colors and patterns from single sections of raw rock using wax and water. The upcoming August exhibit will debut new work by Moses Nyan- hongo as well as two of his siblings, Agnes and Wel- lington. Galler y Sur also represents several other inter nationally known Shona sculptors, including Norbert Shamuyarira and Richard Mteki. Later this fall, Galler y Sur will host an opening reception for a solo show by local photogra- pher Winston Swift Boyer. His "Ocean Series" collection includes 20 richly hued Pacific Ocean sunset images taken from Big Sur's Garrapata Ridge over a 13-year period. Boyer "Souls In Sync" by Moses Nyanhongo, 22x7x16, Cobalt 64 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 The "Ocean Series," by local photographer Winston Swift Boyer, is available at Gallery Sur. The series includes work taken over a 13-year period in Big Sur. Photo: Winston Swift Boyer

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