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The City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Becomes a Centenarian B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D O n October 31, 2016, Carmel-by-the-Sea celebrates a century of cityhood. Six- term Mayor Sue McCloud, former Nielsen Bros. Market owner Mer v Sutton and Carmel Residents Association President Barbara Livingston were tapped to be co-chairs of the festivities surrounding this milestone. "Our marching orders were to produce a parade dramatically different from what we usu- ally do on Halloween," McCloud says. Early indications are that they have succeed- ed. For instance, the team has secured the use of the famous Wells Fargo stagecoach, drawn by four horses and bearing the Grand Marshal, another former mayor, Clint Eastwood. "We'll have bleachers along Ocean Avenue," McCloud says. "There will be 50 elements, and the parade will last about an hour." KSBW anchorman Dan Green will serve as emcee. The sub-theme of the Centennial is "A Century of Memories." As an avid historian, McCloud has plenty of Carmel facts at her fin- gertips. To wit: Carmel was actually named in 1602…in 1907, a plan was floated to bring a railroad through town…not all residents want- ed Carmel to become a city. The vote was 113 to 86…a plan to add house numbers in Carmel was voted down in 1922. The parade kicks off Saturday, October 29 at 11am. A complete schedule of Centennial events throughout the year is posted at www.carmelcen- SHORTCUTS EVENTS Carmel celebrates its inimitable spirit by celebrating its Centennial this fall. This building, now the Tuck Box, is an architectural manifestation of our uniqueness. 76 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 Photo: Courtesy of Carmel Heritage Society